Monday, May 10, 2010

Day One- Social Media Defined

Social media. What is it? Why does it matter? How does it influence me personally? Strangely enough, I've thought through these questions once before. Not the most deep thoughts ever, but it happened none the less. For me, like most things, I manage to perceive social media as being a means of making a movement. Social media has taken the ability to truly influence and, yes I'm saying it, change the world and made it available to each and every human being. It completely blows my mind.

True, social media manages to make my head spin every now and then, but literally having the world at your fingertips seems to be worth the headaches. I almost feel convicted that I haven't truly created a movement for an organization or a mission I am passionate about. I suppose that's another aspect of social media I cannot help respecting: your social media persona may be completely defined by your passions. I love it.

Social media is a movement fueled by your passion.
For me, at least. :)

I even wonder if convergence plays into this in that social media outlets cause us to seek out and ultimately discover our passions.


These are all organizations I follow. Because these organizations have taken the initiative to create a presence within the social media realm, they are able to inform thousands of people of their missions. Through credible articles being posted, to links on how to volunteer at local events, it's amazing how much coverage and publicity (usually positive) these organizations have been able to establish and maintain.

Social media, I'm a fan.

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